Unherd emo band blogspot
Unherd emo band blogspot

unherd emo band blogspot

I feel like he must have really low self-esteem because he overcompensated a lot back then. Mike Ski from Brother's Keeper was a big fan of this technique, which was ironic since they had that song "Namedropper" or whatever. Whenever a bigger band would come to town, you weren't shit if you weren't watching them from the side of the stage- conspicuously positioned so everybody could see you, of course, so everybody knew you were hella tight bros with the band.

unherd emo band blogspot

Like any other old asshole, I could go on forever, but because I value your time I will just share the five things I miss most (you are probably reading this at work and have to be in a meeting soon). Rather than dwell on the negative, it's probably best to just put on our rose-tinted nostalgia goggles and remember the good things about those years. For every sick band like Turmoil, Day of Suffering, Abnegation, or Wrench, there were a hundred Extinctions and New Day Risings, to say nothing of the seemingly endless glut of atrocious, generic "power violence" bands in the late 90s. With the exception of, well, most of the bands on this blog, it is better if we just pretend it never happened. I haven't listened to much 90s hardcore in a long time because nearly all of it is tuneless, amateurish garbage played by self-important assbags in clothes that don't fit. One of my favorite contributors to that site is Sergeant D, and today we are blessed with a guest writeup from him. Cynical, sarcastic things make me laugh the most, and that's probably why I love reading Metal Inquisition so much. It's probably the sarcastic cynic in me that some people just never get past.

unherd emo band blogspot

For those that know me, I tend to be a pretty nice guy, but I often hear that some people think I'm an asshole.

Unherd emo band blogspot